Visit to Divapan from Özlü
 19 February 2019
Former Minister of Science, Industry and Technology and AK Parti Duzce Mayor Candidate Dr. Faruk Özlü visited the Divapan Factory and visited the factory and then chatted with the employees.

Before the local elections to be held on March 31, 2019, Faruk Özlü, the candidate for president, continues his electoral activities and visits to the shopkeepers during the day and visits to the neighborhood at night. In this context, Özlü visited the Divapan Factory, one of the oldest industrial establishments in Düzce. President of the Presidential candidate Mr. Ozlu, who was welcomed by the General Manager of Divapan, Muzaffer Aydemir, first received information about the factory. Candidate for presidential candidate Ozlu, then met with workers and chatted with them.